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Open Source Security

Mar 25, 2019

Josh and Kurt talk about a prank gone wrong, the reality of when your data ends up public. Once it's public you can't ever put it back. We also discuss Notepad++ no longer signing releases and what signing releases means for the world in...

Mar 18, 2019

Josh and Kurt talk about Beto being in the Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc). This is a pretty big deal in a very good way. We hit on some history, why it's a great thing, what we can probably expect from opponents. There's even some advice at the end how we can all help. We need more politicians with backgrounds like...

Mar 11, 2019

Josh and Kurt talk about when devices attack! It's not quite that exciting, but there have been a slew of news about physical devices causing problems for humans. We end on the note that we're getting closer to a point when lawyers and regulators will start to pay attention. We're not there yet, so we still have a...

Mar 4, 2019

Josh and Kurt talk about github blocking the Deepfakes repository. There's a far bigger discussion about how people feel, and sometimes security fails to understand that making people feel happy or safer is more important than...