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Open Source Security

Jun 29, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about human behavior. The conversation makes its way to conferences and the perpetual question of if a conference is useful or not. We come to the agreement the big shows aren't what they used to be, but things like BSides are great experiences.

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Jun 22, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about the security of applications. We talk about the security of infrastructure all the time, but what happens when we combine infrastructure into an application or solution?

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Jun 15, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about CVSSv3 and how it's broken. We started with a blog post to explain why the NVD CVSS scores are so wrong, and we ended up researching CVSSv3 and found out it's far more broken than any of us expected in ways we didn't expect. NVD isn't broken, CVSSv3 is. How did we get here? Are there any options...

Jun 8, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk to Liz Rice from Aqua Security about container security and her new book on the same topic. What does container security look like today? What are some things you can do now? What will container security look like in the future?

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Jun 1, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about a grab bag of topics. A DNS security flaw, port scanning your machine from a web browser, and CSV files running arbitrary code. All of these things end up being the result of corner cases. Letting a corner case be part of a default setup is always a mistake. Yes always, not even that one...