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Open Source Security

Sep 28, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk to Travis Murdock about how to tell your story. Travis explains how to talk to the press and how to tell our story in a way that helps get our message across and lets the reporter do their job better.

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Sep 21, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about how we talk about what we do in the context of life on Venus. We didn't really discover life on Venus, we discovered a gas that could be created by life on Venus. The world didn't hear that though. We have a similar communication problem in security. How often are your words misunderstood?


Sep 14, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about attacking open source. How serious is the threat of developers being targeted or a git repo being watched for secret security fixes? The reality of it all is there are many layers in a security journey, the most important things you can do are also the least exciting.

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Sep 7, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about how your actions can tell the world if you actually take security seriously. We frame the discussion in the context of Slack paying a very low bug bounty and discover some ways we can look at Slack and decide if they do indeed take our security very seriously.

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  • Reddit carbon monoxide