Apr 25, 2022
Josh and Kurt talk about a survey about a TuxCare patch management and vulnerability detection. Sometimes our security bubble makes us forget what it's like in the real world for the people who keep our infrastructure running. Patching isn't always immediate, automation doesn't fix everything, and accepting risk is very...
Apr 18, 2022
Josh and Kurt talk about a lot of security vulnerabilities in this month's Patch Tuesday. There's also a new Git vulnerability. This sparks the age old question of how fast to patch? The answer isn't binary, the right answer is whatever works best for you, not what someone tells you is best.
Apr 11, 2022
Josh and Kurt talk about hackers using emergency data requests to gain access to sensitive data. The argument that somehow backdoors can be protected falls under this problem. We don't yet have the technical or policy protections in place to actually protect this data. We also explain why this zlib issue got a 2018 CVE...
Apr 4, 2022
Josh and Kurt talk about the binary nature of security. Many of our ideas are yes or no, there's not much in the middle. The conversation ends up derailed due to a Twitter thread about pinning dependencies. This gives you an idea how contentious of a topic pinning is. The final takeaway is not to let security...