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Open Source Security

Mar 23, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about video games. Yeah, video games. Specifically about cheating in video games. There's a lot of other security themes in the discussion. With the news being horrible these days, we needed to talk about something fun.

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Mar 15, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about Wireguard. There have been a lot of recent conversations about it and if it's better or worse than other VPN solutions. It's safe to say in our modern age, less is usually more, especially when it comes to security. Wireguard has a lot going for it, it can't be ignored.

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Mar 8, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk to Tony Meehan from Elastic (formerly Endgame) about endpoint detection, response, protection, and even SIEM. Tony has a great history coming from the NSA and has a number of great stories to help understand the topics.

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Mar 2, 2020

Josh and Kurt talk about the Linux Foundation Census 2. There is a lot of talk around how to fix open source security, but the reality is we can't fix it. We need to stop trying to fix what isn't broken and engineering around the system we have, not the system we want.

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